(Peter Gietz)
Central but Distributed PDP build with OAuth2 and SAML as the identity layer.
Normal User-Browser IdP.
Pre-Requisite : SAML based Authentication
Open RBAC (Role based access control), uses an LDAP Server as backend: Users, Roles, Permissions, Resources, and Sessions.
The problem: Any kind of service, wants to interact with an REST API, which has some files hidden behind it.
Basic idea :
SAML based authentication, if allowed an OAuth2 Token is created.
"This is a bit simplified:"
A central management, but as many access points as you want.
You first get the authorization code and then the access code.
"Why not just use OpenID?" The left part of the drawing could be replaced with OIDC.
The LDAP Server can be distributed to other LDAP servers. Policy data can be distributed/high availability. The whole architecture could theoretically be distributed, has not been tested as such though.
Access Token not bound to a specific server? Should there be different authentication services to have a failover?
The answer to the question whether this system works as a distributed system, and the answer is physically yes, but not across different trust domains.
Is it based on RFC 7522?
SP –bearer assertion—> OAuth2 AS