Convener: Raimund Wilhelmer
Abstract: Discussion about business cases for privacy
Tags: Privacy, Business Cases
We would like to have your ideas/input for this project
Looking for job, problem of not finding it - There is a need for support in order to define their own needs (candidates and companies looking for employees)
In a job seeking centre you have to define yourself, in the higher education area it is different.
It is a project about 2 projects, which came together within a discussion, profit for both on a business perspective.
There might be some critical issues:
I (Raimund Wilhelmer) represent a company from Germany in the discussion
Frank (psychologist) is trained to find people jobs that will suit them for long time - right jobs
In a team there supposed to be a gap that should be defined.
This brings rise to all kind of biases.
Information based on superficial information.
PhD physician looking for a job - after applying all the answer was: no need - no job
Then he broke it down to what he was doing before, the outcome: he got invited because of his experience in statistics. Working with job seeking centres (example of one for people with no higher education)
The interface therefore is very different, could be a device, job seeking agent, they describe the profession they have, CV etc. and upload it in the system
The idea there is, providing such a system.
Lower educated centres have a problem - a lot of the need a IT lesson, often it’s useless because the do not need it - big amounts of money invested that could be used in a better way
Future bosses have to talk to them, communication is needed.
The job seekers (low educated) are looking for a ‘profession’ - what could I do? The idea is to match these 2 systems. Sensible data with a profile date and there is a matching in the classification. There is a need for them (the candidates) because they do not realize it.
Both sides could have needs of privacy.
Aud1: protection from 3 parties
The only reason why it came out that Google is building a Google car is because they were looking for people that can build cars. (Apple have found a third party that would find the people for them to do the same)
Legal issue: You provide sensible information and a third party is using this private data. Matching jobs and jobs seekers is essential but the restrictions are problematic. It depends on attributes you cannot really influence.
CV is a tool to present yourself.
What kind of Meta information are giving to the others is what the job seeker does not know. The problem is that after analysis of the information the person gave more out there than he/she probably wanted to share. Matching job and seeker without applying.
What kind of regulation would apply?
Aud2: People identities are being stolen all the time
Aud3: That is the point where you have to be able to assure both parties.
3 perspectives:
Walter: If you create new information from the “public” information, it is prohibited.
A: it is not reliable. The big problem is that in the whole area of psychological research there is a model, but it’s always a certain ‘guess’. There is not a proper evaluation in the process. From 200 people who apply for a job 90% gets screened out on basis that might be wrong and the company will choose somebody from 10% even though there might have been a person that would be better for this position but they screened it out at the beginning. This what we would like to avoid.
Open for follow-up ideas. We are looking for people who work in this area and would like to cooperate.